Friday, July 13, 2007

Phriday Philler: Belated edition

Ahh well, its the end of the week, which means we gotta get some filler up here on the fainting goats. Here are some hastily written thought-nuggets, complete with linky goodness.

The old Nintendo8 got killed for some "administrative" reasons, whatever that means. Fortunately you can get all that NES 8-bit gaming you need at virtualnes. Personally I have been playing the original final fantasy, which due to a lack of a save function means my computer has been on for 8 days straight. Also, I'll probably update the links over there on the right someday. If I feel like it. While drunk.

Republicans racist? Nah ... I'm sure they all had the flu. When will these damn NAACP-types realize no one cares about black people, except for maybe Will Smith.

Hmmm, what else? Well this recently released trailer for Halo 3 gave me a chubby. Considering Halo is like my crack, I was pretty concerned after dr.gpiece said XBox 360s break a lot. Red ring of death you say? I'm pretty sure I'm still going to buy one and play it until it breaks, then send it back and start again. Thanks for the warranty extension Mr. Gates.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't make some comment about the Transformers movie, or as it should be called: The greatest film in the history of celluloid. That is what I want in a summer blockbuster. I take back everything bad I ever said about you Michael Bay. I was impressed with how much it stayed faithful to the original while updating it for today. Starscream is such an ass. Always failing Megatron. ARE YOU EBAY USER LADIESMAN217!?!

And yes, the JJ Abrams godzilla-like movie looks amazing.
See for yourself.


Andrew said...

I'd drink from those cups any day.