Monday, July 02, 2007

The fun machine took a shit and died

For my money, Queens of the Stone Age is one of the most underrated bands around. Critically acclaimed sometimes, their brand of stoner rock could be described by me as the red-headed stepchild of The Stooges and Led Zeppelin, with Frank Zappa as their weekend daddy.

Frontman Josh Homme says they wanted to create "a heavy sound based on a solid jam, and just pound it into your head"

Well said from the man who penned these lyrics:

Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol.

Those are the only words in the entire song.
Combine that with their kind-of trademark driving bassline and you truly do create the "Feel Good Hit of the Summer" (off their second album, Rated R)

Many would refer to this type of music as "stoner rock" but Homme rejects the label due to his hatred of Monster Magnets' epic jam "Space Lord"
Just kidding, here's the real reason:

The term sucks. The only element of the audience I want to get rid of is the shirtless, sweaty, maxi-mullet jock dudes. We want sex to bleed into the music. At our shows, we want to see half boys and half girls in a utopian world, dancing and drinking.
Well said brother.

By far Queens of the Stone Age best album is "Songs for the Deaf" released in 2003. It was the only album with Dave Grohl on drums. And is widely-regarded as one of the best hard rock albums since the turn of the century. It's was described as "genre-demolishing" and QOTSA were hailed as our new metal gods. The opening track "You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire" kicks it off strong and fast, and it keeps going all the way until the final hidden ballad, "The Mosquito song" (warning: crazy amateur video)

You may remember the popular "No one knows" but for my money (And I feel like a Millionaire) Go with the Flow was its best single.

But after SOTD Grohl left the band to film more Mentos-themed videos for the Foo Fighters and bassist Nick Olivieri was kicked out for excessive partying or beating on his girl (internet searches inconclusive).

QOTSA then put out the somewhat lackluster and definitely depressing "Lullabies to Paralyze" in 2005.

But now they just released their fifth album with a fifth different line-up. Reviews I've read have been positive. So I picked it up today. How can you resist an album with cover art like this:


Anonymous said...

a follow up is demanded!

thope said...

I'll post something after I marinate on the album for a bit