Wednesday, July 18, 2007

F'n football players

So I got NCAA Football 08 for my PS3 today. Somehow I was able to pull myself away from it to make a post. The best part so far? Starting my dynasty with the Minnesota Golden Gophers, in particular rapey mcrape. I was going to write a diatribe on college/professional athletes and their propensity to get their sexual assault on, but I figured that was too much.

I considered deleting the involved players from my team, but unfortunately my need to obtain a ridiculous recruiting class requires me to keep the players involved on my team (they are high ranking defenders, after all). I have returned a couple interceptions for touchdowns with "the ambassador" and my house has been echoing with cheers of "the rapist does it again". I think something is wrong with me. At least he'll be in jail soon and hopefully plenty of others will be returning the favor.

from that to this...


thope said...

she was asking for it

Andrew said...

Nice. My hatred for the Buckeyes, AKA Runner Up University, runs almost as deep as for the Cowboys and the Mets.