Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thus begins the fainting goats book club

In case you can't tell from image of Sam Snail at an indian massacre above, the first choice for our book club is Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy.

I considered A People's History of the United States, but then I saw that it's more than 700 pages, and thats a little long for the first choice. Then I considered Deadspin Editor Will Leitch's "God Save the Fan" purely for the links I could milk out of it. But I don't think Deadspinners are ready for the raw power of my posts about whales or penguins. Maybe next time.

As for how this will work, we're going to shoot for a chapter a week. I'll make a post on Thursdays where I'll offer a few thoughts, and then everyone can go nuts in the comments. And if I know the commenters here, that means we'll get two cryptic lines from TMoney, something kind of useful from Charles and/or Sean, followed by a completely off-topic link or description of future ski vacations from anonymous and a dr.gpiece rant about Christians or Tom Brady.

Of course when this plan doesn't work/turns into a clusterfuck, we'll switch to a e-mail thingamabob. It starts next week, first Thursday in February. I for one look forward to the scalpings.


Anonymous said...

The Judge is also cryptic...and just a tad more evil (eviler?).

Bring it bitches. I'm gonna teach this book next fall, that is unless the sodomy talk gets too feverish.


Anonymous said...

Mass Indian graves?! Cryptic judges?! Feverish sodomy?! Books without pictures?!

That's crazy!

charles said...

Trail of snail ooze meets the trail of tears?

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you don't like stories about guys who train their 18 month old kids to be cage fighters? And by training I mean shocking them with taser.

grant said...

The other day I was playing pick up basketball and some dude started talking to me about how his job is to talk to college kids about Jesus Christ. He was a nice guy, so I put up with it. A step above Asian grad students waiting outside of Tech..."hello, do u want to join a bible study?" Um, fuck no?