Thursday, April 05, 2007

Working for the church while your family dies

I had an epiphany of sorts tonight for content here.
Blame the whiskey. Plus, the total hack job I did on a couple stories for this weekends paper (bird watchers + global warming = ruby-throated fart bird), and the realization that my employers are USING me to drive their corporation into the toilet.

To sum it up, I'm gonna rip off Simmons' thing where he uses quotes from movies to hand out awards. Except not limit myself to movies. Coming monthly(?) for baseball, maybe even for the NBA season/draft if I get sober and inspired.

I got a few other ideas as well, mostly involving stealing pictures off the wire. LATER


tdenevi said...

Have you heard the good news?

He is risen.

Anonymous said...

the phils finally won a game yesterday. what is the over/under on the date they will be mathmatically out of the playoffs? too soon?