Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Have a look

As promised, here is your very own "year in review" post by goats. On the final day in the year of our lord 2008, an erratic list of things I found still relevant while after the baby attacks. Me syntax good.

"Are you being sarcastic?"
"I don't even know anymore."
There were a lot essays, posted with varying degrees of failure terrible success. I like to think the misanthropic ramblings fell into two categories: Somewhat earnest, and completely facetious. The trick is determining which is which. If it's about some national or world issue like Korean Beef or warrantless wiretapping, it likely was written in jest. Serious posts tend to delve more into anecdotes, or human nature through media. I guess.

Anyway: Animals! Pandas, penguins and bears.

More politics were posted here than I would have liked. Remember when I called Obama a magical negro? It seemed like a good idea at the time. Also: GnR holds up.

There were tons of videos.

A book club was around for a while -- not sure how many participated, but Blood Meridian, A Confederacy of Dunces, World War Z, and Master and Margarita were read. Then it kind of petered out. No linky.

And of course obscure energy drinks were discussed.

That's it, I'm sick of making this.