Monday, December 08, 2008

There are no heroes

So here's some "news" from the web -- Comrade-Elect Obama is stocking his cabinet with Ivy League types. While some say that putting those with proven "intelligence" and "credentials" in positions of power is a good idea -- it's just not that simple. The fact is that these ivory tower elitists just don't understand the problems of everyday Americans like say, Joe the Plumber. (What ever happened to that guy? Oh)

Anyway, liberal columnists like Frank Rich and are already ringing the warning bells and sounding the alarms and whatnot. These nervous nellies say that the new president faces an economy in meltdown alongside violent crises at home and abroad. Or maybe the president said that.

Either way, these financial picks are the descendents of Clinton freemarketism. Just like JFK's "best and brightest" who led us into Vietnam while avoiding nuclear war with the Soviet Union. So I guess that means that we will avoid a new great depression by miring ourselves in endless class warfare.

A bit melodramatic, sure, but are you fighting your personal war on life? Take every day and strangle it by the throat until it is dead. Unnecessary. Veering off into dangerous gibberish. Do I have a point? Why, the war on nerds (tm) of course. Your books cannot save you now smarty. Unless you somehow use them to build weapons.

Much like the War on Terror, the War on Drugs and the War on Christmas, this may be an unwinnable war. These pointy-headed eggheads will take our women in the moon bounce while dressed as popular Star Wars bad guy Anakin "Darth Vader" Skywalker.


Anonymous said...

Was that last paragraph supposed to make sense? If so, try again sir.