Monday, October 29, 2007


"There will come a time when you have to decide: Is it about you? Or is it about the work?"

I may have mentioned it before in this space, but lets reiterate once again how great "The Wire" is. The new season starts on January 6, and I already have half a hard on. Plus the theme this season is going to be "journalism" and how a newspaper interacts with the inner city community.

Each season deals with a different theme and its role in city life -- first season is cops and the drug game, second season is on the docks with the blue-collar stevedores, third brings politics into the mix, and the fourth season deals with schools.

I have a few theories on how the newspaper angle might play out, but I won't get into them too deeply because none of you will have any idea what I'm talking about, both because of my "insider" newspaper status and because no one watches the show. Lets just say McNulty will go back to the bottle.

Here's an apt review. It's from the internet.

Approximately 12 people will watch the final season of HBO's The Wire, the most amazing thing on television in ages. So haunted and moved by the show's brilliance, these precious few will proceed to nag everybody else to watch it to such an annoying degree that the entire world will write the show off out of pure spite.
True? Probably, but I'm still going to slang my knowledge on the show before January. And if you don't watch it you're racist.


charles said...

Looks like need to check up on this if only to figure out what a stevedore is.

grant said...

let's be honest thope. that half hard on is due to the men in the picture accompanying this post.

i have the first season of this on dvd, but have yet to actually watch it. my backlog is ridiculous and may never be conquered.

thope said...

good point dr.gpiece. Although you can kind of make out the lesbian cop in the background. I recommend you move it to the top of your que.

and fyi charles, stevedore is a fancy way of saying dockworker

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to figure out why mcnulty crashed his car into the cement pillar the second time. If that is all it takes to fuck some random waitress, I think i am going to go for a drive.