Tuesday, April 15, 2008

One of life's great mysteries solved!

There are any number of web sites dedicated to problem solving and making the world a better place. The interactivity of these nets is one of the biggest assets of the world wide web.

It allows people to get involved in ways heretofore unthought of ways. Mostly through quizzes. Take this site for instance. It allows people to input information about their lifestyle, and learn how many earths we would need if everyone lived like them (3.91 for me, which apparently is below the U.S. average).

These kinds of interactive sites allow users to connect with their electronic machines, and each other. Or something. But what better way to tackle some of life's most profound questions. Not whether or not their is a God, or what is man's purpose on earth. No this is a query that has haunted us for eons and stumped the greatest thinkers, from Galileo to Einstein.

The question is: How many five-year-olds could you take in a fight?

Think about it. It's not easy. At what point do their sheer numbers overwhelm your superior strength, intelligence and fighting ability? Well, one man set out to answer that question once and for all, with a little quiz. I took it, and I am pleased with the results.

Maybe I don't have anything to fear -- I could take out a whole kindergarten class with my bare hands. My willingness grab a kid and swing him by his feet as a weapon surely would prove beneficial.


E-roc said...

I went to the footprint.org site, but lost interest while all the Flash was loading. I demand instant feedback when it comes to internet quizzes determining how awesome I am through a series of vague questions.

Prediction: A brazillion earths plus Saturn.