Friday, April 25, 2008

Don't worry, there's a pill for that

Came across this story the other day about these so-called 'super pills' that were supposed to cure everything from obesity to cocaine addiction. It seems their use could result in depression and suicide. Fair trade me thinks.

But seriously, when did it become OK to treat anything and everything with magic pills? Got heartburn? Don't eat less spicy foods, just take the purple pill. Can't sleep? Here's something that will help, don't worry about the side-effects. Old and can't get it up? You sir are in luck. Viva viagra indeed.

These so-called 'lifestyle' drugs just seem wrong (and this comes from someone who has been known to enjoy the drug lifestyle, if you know what I mean). People no longer have to change bad habits -- just take a pill that will do all the work for you. Same thing with trying to avoid the consequences of getting older. Guess what idiots: As you age your body will begin to break down. Despite what you see on TV, there is no cure for old.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't one of those Jesus-freak people whose kids die from curable diseases because they put the leeches on them. I am all for advances in medicine to solve health issues. Cancer, alzheimers, the AIDS, Parkinson's -- I could list legitimate reasons to take pills all day, many of which are in fact related to getting older. But there should be some differentiation between treating legitimate health problems that destroy lives, and helping some old rich white guy fuck his trophy wife and/or whores.

At this point you can probably guess where my rant is going -- corporations are to blame! In search of a cheap buck, pharmaceutical companies tend to come up with new drugs to treat every 'condition' under the sun, be it genetic, because you drink to much, or all in your hypochondriac head (cough, fibromyalgia, cough).

So now anyone who watches television is inundated with messages telling them to take these magical pills that treat everything from arthritis to herpes, with side effects that include loose stool, inability to concentrate, paralysis, and a tendency to vote Republican. Clearly it will all end well.

This rant brought to you by Bwain.


tdenevi said...

They're gonna kill that poor woman, man (the one covered in fur and cilia).

tdenevi said...

Also, that MGMT-LCD song is a nice remix of the earlier beat of Kids. You've been listening to the college radio station again, haven't you.

grant said...

yeah, big pharm is evil. so is big insurance. pharm companies make the big bucks by producing drugs that are used for chronic "problems" such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, old dude flacid penis, etc. More important drugs such as antibiotics, antiretrovirals, etc. take a back seat. Our health care system is so fucked up. I'm sure glad the doctors are the ones who get blamed for its problems especially the high cost because it's not like I'm going to be $250,000 in debt when I'm finished. And people wonder why no one is going into primary care anymore. Orthopedic surgery here I come!