Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's time to legalize cats!

Only South Park can combine the movie Heavy Metal, the Diary of Anne Frank, cat urine, Eliot Spitzer press conferences and rockin' tits into one (somewhat) cohesive narrative.

If you didn't see the episode last night, I highly recommend you head over here and watch it. For someone who has missed their fair share of South Park, that site is a godsend. Finally saw the end of Imaginationland.

Elsewhere in South Park land, the ever expanding Onion AV Club has an insightful interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Pretty interesting read, for example how they tackle political issues by taking on the emotions behind the politics.

Take last nights episode for example -- the satire about newsmedia playing on parents fears of their kids getting high on cat pee, which almost an afterthought with all the crazy other stuff going on. And Cartman is some sort of feline Oscar Schindler.

Also, it's been noted before, but the quick turnaround they get on episodes really helps with the timely satire. The take on the Spitzer press conference is a perfect example. As a coworker said to me -- the Simpson's will probably be making Spitzer Swallows jokes in 2009.

Plus, if Heavy Metal isn't overripe for parody, what is? The cats who made this were cheesing balls.
Edit: Because I can, I turned that Heavy Metal clip into a link and put this up instead. Fox News is hilarious.


Anonymous said...

I heard that they are doing a remake of the Heavy Metal movie. Also, not sure if you know but cheese is what all the youngins are calling low-grade herion these days. Apparently its a hit with the Mexicans. Check it out.