Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's a brave new world

I started a new job today, editing these daily local interwebs in earnest. Basically it just means I have to get up earlier than I have in nearly 6 years. No more Jim Beam fueled Wire marathons where I stay up until 4 am unfortunately(?). But it could benefit you, the three fainting goats' readers, because I can bang out all my work in about an hour and then spend the rest of my morning hours searching google images. That said, here's a much-delayed philler post, starting off with a quote from The Wire (Season 2) that I find amusing.

"Let me ask you something important. Do you like fake tits? I can't decide. Thus far undecided on fake tits."

I recommend you check out this site. Warning: May cause hallucinatory nightmares. If that kind of interactivity is too much for you, you are a square. But try this one out instead. It's G-rated and the creator probably wasn't on DMT. Although if you seriously do want to trip, go here. I can vouch for its effectiveness.

Ha ha. Crack!

You know where I look to determine financial trends? Jay-Z. Seriously.

On a serious note --Here's the story behind the famous Marlboro Marine photo. Two lives intertwined, etc. Happy belated Veterans Day!

If that wasn't sad enough for you, how bout this?

That's it I'm going to go cook myself some pancakes.


Anonymous said...

New job? Is that still working for the Daily Lack of News? Hope you got some sort of raise or at least some better perks. By the way, the Marlboro Marine link doesn't work. It asks for a password to get into the site. Have fun in the blogosphere(is that a real word? I think so).

thope said...

Huh, that link works for me. Strange. I blame cookies.

Still at the DLN, better pay worse bennies. Fuck United Healthcare.

Anonymous said...

Anal sex finally makes it on the Goats! I would've thought some sort of Schulman video might've made it first, but then, I continue to hope that that guy is dead.

New Job? Riding your bike? What are you, becoming a libertarian?