Monday, November 05, 2007

250 Greatest Films: #189 Point Break

Reeves. Swayze. Busey. Together they team up in the the greatest film about skydiving, bank robber-surfers in the history of creation.

OK, it's probably the only movie about skydiving, bank robbing surfers, but you get my point.

There are so many things to enjoy here. Keanu plays ex-Ohio State QB "Johnny Utah" ferchrissakes whose love interest is none other than Lori "Tank Girl" Petty. Not to mention Gary Busey's trademark old cop with an ax to grind or Swayze's wild-eyed anti-establishment mysticism.

The whole thing is just so ridiculous. The combination of Swayze's whole "living past the edge" philosophy and Keanu's trademark wooden line-reading has a surreal effect.

The plot keeps moving with suspense and despite all the different ridiculous things going on it somehow hangs together -- credit the director I guess. Plus there's one part where Keanu almost gets his face shredded by a lawnmower.

Tagline: 100% Pure Adrenaline.

Plot Spoilers:
Not really a whole lot to spoil. Busey dies, as does pretty much all the bad guys. Here's the final scene. Apparently still leaving options open for Point Break 2.

Memorable Quotes:

Bodhi: It's basic dog psychology, if you scare them and get them peeing down their leg, they submit. But if you project weakness, that promotes violence, and that's how people get hurt.
Roach: Peace, through superior firepower.

Ben Harp: You're a real blue flame special, aren't you, son? Young, dumb and full of cum, I know. What I don't know is how you got assigned here. Guess we must just have ourselves an asshole shortage, huh?
Johnny Utah: Not so far.

Johnny Utah: Bohdi! This is your wakeup call I AM AN F...B...I AGENT!
Bodhi: I know, isn't it wild! That's what makes it so interesting. You can do what you want, and make up your own rules. Why be a servant to the law, when you can be it's master?

Bohdi: You want the ultimate, you gotta be prepared to pay the ultimate price. It's not tragic to die doing what you love.

Ben Harp: Special agent Utah! This is not some job, flipping burgers at the local drive-in! Yes! - your surf board bothers me! Yes! - your approach to this whole damn case bothers me! And yes! - YOU BOTHER ME! And Pappas! Oh, for the love of Christ. How the hell did I even let you talk me into this whole bone-headed idea to begin with.
Pappas: Harp! We are working under-cover. It takes time. We've produced a few...
Ben Harp: NO! No no no no no no NO! Let me tell you what you've produced... Over the last two weeks, you two have produced exactly squat! SQUAT! During which time the ex-presidents have robbed two more banks. Now for Christ's sake, does either one of you have anything even remotely interesting to tell me?
Johnny Utah: I caught my first tube today... Sir.

Pappas: I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino.

Johnny Utah: Where is Roach?
Bodhi: He's around somewhere. Listen Johnny, we're in a kind of a hurry; is there anything you need?
Johnny Utah: You gotta tell me where she is.
Bodhi: Oh yeah, and let my policy expire. Good idea.
Johnny Utah: Look Bodhi, people are dead, the ride is over.
Bodhi: Oh, no no no. I say when it's over.
Johnny Utah: They will nail you wherever you land. They'll use something new called radar, maybe you've heard of it.
Bodhi: What is your...
Johnny Utah: Bodhi, I know you man. When they fall on you, you won't back down and they'll have to burn your ass to the ground.
Bodhi: Shit happens.
Johnny Utah: You got a death wish. You want to ride to glory, fine. But, don't take Tyler with you. I'm begging you. Tell me where she is, and I walk away.
Bodhi: You walk away?
Johnny Utah: I walk away.
Bodhi: That's beautiful Johnny.

Johnny Utah: Vaya con Dios, Brah.

Best character: Here I'll go with Gary Busey as Special Agent Angelo Pappas. Nevermind the fact that Busey in no way looks spanish. The character loves burritos and Calvin and Hobbes! Plus he somehow figures out the whole surfer as bank robber angle that makes the entire film possible. This is probably the first and only time "best character" will go to a glorified plot device. But hey, it's Busey, no apologies.

Another reason to see it: The part where Johnny Utah jumps out the plan with nothing but a six-shooter is fucking awesome.


Anonymous said...

Little side story related to Point Break. Dickerhoff and I were hanging out at in OC a couple of weeks ago. He starts in on his rant about how he is getting a motorcycle. I tell him that if he gets that then he is going to kill himself. He busts out the quote about its not really tragic dying if you are doing something that you love. I promptly call him out on the Point break quote, calling him Swazye. He becomes depressed to learn that he just quoted Point Break. Another memorable quote from the movie: "We are the ex-presidents, we have been screwing you for years, so a couple of more minutes shouldn't matter." i don't think that is right, but you will know what i mean. Also, how could you forget the oscar-nominated performances from members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.