Monday, August 03, 2009

Sorry, random person

Watching the lone Phillies victory against the Giants on Friday night, I decided to take the opportunity to taunt my one Giants fan friend and reader of this blog, via text message. It didn't go particularly well, because apparently I have the wrong number. Also the person obviously knows nothing about Jayson Werth. Here's a transcript, all times eastern:

Me (12:05 am): Haw Haw
Person (12:07 am): Excuse me?
Me (12:08 am): Don't make me repeat myself
Person (12:10 am): Who is this?
Me (12:11 am): is this [redacted]?
Me (12:14 am): If not i apologize
Person (12:22 am): No. Wrong number

There you have it. Not as good as the stuff on textsfromlastnight, but still indicative of communications problems in the information age. In conclusion, is it 5682 or 5862? Because for some reason both are saved in my phone.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I've just returned from nether regions. It seems this happened weeks ago, literally. I would have enjoyed the texting. I'm sure that someone in Hawaii will now track you down and murder you for disturbing them...and for being a haole. Maybe it was one of Victorino's many drunk cousins (too racist)?

Regardless, I think I still have your number, and will text you during the upcoming series--Pablo's Revenge Part II: the rape of Charlie Manuel.

I got nothin.