Friday, August 07, 2009

Everything old is dumb again

You ever have one of those days where everything seems stupid and wrongheaded, on the Internet? It seems to be happening more and more. Maybe it's because the drinking, and thus the hangovers, are getting heavy. Damn you $5 six-packs of Miller High Life pounders! Why can't I resist you?

First lets take a minor example: the first two sentences from this boilerplate monthly economy story from the Associated Press. I quote it despite potential ramifications.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumers opened their wallets and pocketbooks a bit more in June, increasing their spending for the second straight month while saving less, even as incomes fell sharply.
Consumer spending is closely watched because it accounts for about 70 percent of total economic activity.

Spending more, while saving less and making less money? That's a recipe for sustainable economic recovery if I've ever heard one. Also a cornerstone (or keystone?) of Freedom.

Image via

Or how about the ongoing annoyance that is "moderating" the comment section of a local newspaper Web site. And by moderating I mean deleting all comments that people report to me, and wrathfully banning people for little to no reason on Fridays. Hey, today's Friday! Well at least there's that. See ya guy, your particular brand of unhinged wingnuttery has worn thin. I can't wait to get a call from you telling me I am oppressing your first amendment rights, while doing abortions. Don't worry though, there are still plenty of places online where you can talk about fake birth certificates and how terms like "unhinged wingnuttery" are racist.

I would provide an example, but frankly we are all better off without it. In all seriousness: Comments on local newspaper sites are clear indicatives of how terrible most discourse is, in America. As recently as the 1990s these conversations were confined to people's private homes, and street corners. Maybe you would overhear something at a Cracker Barrel about "negroes" or "liberals" but you could always just move to another table, or chew your Country Dinner Plate louder. Not to mention you got what you deserved for going to a Cracker Barrel.

Well, that's about it ... for now. I have been hearing rumors about some shit rolling downhill from my corporate masters that's sure to incite rage when it lands on my head. So you can look forward to that rant. In the meantime, there's paintings of Obama naked with Unicorns (uhhh, NSFW?).


Sean said...

Well, now you have incited me to comment on a Daily Local News article. With cognitive dissonant anger!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of annoyance at the Daily Local, will you be voting to induct Barbaro into the Deadspin Hall of Fame? I would think that with your known hatred of the beast, you would employ a small platoon of helper monkeys to ensure that he never is enshrined.


thope said...

I vote yes, because its about making fun of dead horses and the people who love them.