Bike Bike Bike
I know what you're all thinking, "What's the deal with thope's carlessness? He hasn't mentioned it in a while." Well consider this your lucky day, cause I'm about to regale you with a couple anecdotes of varying interest and consistency regarding living in the suburbs with bike.
Last weekend the roommate and I decided to participate in the local Fourth of July Canoe Race. Of course, neither of us have a car, which might daunt a pair less hardcore than we. In summary: Biked the 9 or so miles to the start, locked our bikes to a handicapped parking sign. Did the canoe race, which was less "paddling" and more "running alongside the canoe while it floated through shallow water." Afterward, secured a ride back to the start of the race with a bunch of randoms. Had a beer. Biked the nine miles back home.
It was a great holiday, outdoor activities aplenty and Jesse Helms died. The roommate was glad he made the decision to stick around and do the canoe race rather than bike to Atlantic City and eat at the Borgata buffet. Seriously. He was going to bike to AC until I talked him out of it.
PSA: A bicyclists mortal enemy is a small woman driving a large SUV, and not just because they are horrible drivers who don't watch the road. Some of you may know examples -- one of whom I have had it out with a bit the other day. What it is about a cyclist that women in SUVs find so threatening? The balance of power is clearly one-sided, what the with the threat of death for the biker and all. I don't have any answers, but would like to point out that despite the inconvenience to motorists, bikes are allowed on the road BY LAW. I blame deep-seated societal insecurities and the Barbie ideal. Also date rape.
Finally, if you honk at a biker as you drive by them you should have your license revoked. Dick move, seriously.
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