Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Site News: See Ya Suckers!

Well, I'm going out of town tomorrow for a much needed vacation. Myself and a couple friends will be hitting the slopes in Vermont for a couple days. I plan on crashing into a tree and breaking several ribs and/or arms. It will be glorious until E-Roc sprays my bed with excessive amounts of Axe Body Spray as some sort of horrible practical joke gone wrong.

Anyway, my point -- no book club this week, unless gpiece or some other contributor to this blog want to take up the reins (cough, TMoney, cough). If things go as I expect and nobody does anything, look for two chapters in next week's edition.

There will be no filler on friday either. So unless I have the strange notion to post something from Vermont, this is the last you'll hear from me until next week. I'll leave you with this hilariously disturbing video of "Mr. Awesome" aka video game champ Roy Shildt. If you have seen the documentary "King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters" you know what I'm talking about.