Friday, March 12, 2010

Ben Linus, on the nose

Ominous shrubs. That's what I thought of while watching Lost the other day, during the scene where Linus gets seduced by the sweet ankle restraint removing powers of the smokey/evil Locke. It seems a bit stupid now, in hindsight, probably because it is no longer taco tuesday. The blood should be riddled with both booze and mexican food for optimal Lost viewing, I have found through rigorous research. Double blind studies and so on. I think that focusing on the Locke concealing bushes (I'm just going to call him Locke, fuck it) was due to how stupidly obvious and on the nose everything had seemed to that point. And they looked scary and/or smoke-like? I don't know.

Meanwhile, in an alternate reality: Linus is a history teacher, under the thumb of Principal "Jerkass Newsguy from Die Hard" who makes him monitor detention despite his Ph.D. It's enough to make a pathetically single man just puke! Also there was the actress who played his daughter now as a student who is trying to get into Yale and blah blah blah this plotline was limp, except for the part with the always popular double reverse blackmail from Principal Dickless. It was also indicative of the island's powers, e.g. making Linus's daughter no longer his daughter, genetics be damned.

More entertaining was when Jack went all zen-crazy and was like, "There's no way this old-ass dynamite will blow us up because we are destined to do something in regards to the future and also pertaining to the island and Jacob, most likely. Also the smoke monster." This new faith-inspired yet still recklessly impulsive Jack is intriguing, despite the failure of the explosive suicide pact. He saw his childhood home! I did like the part when Richard fondled those slave chains though. Because it inferred his former slaveness -- which he escaped into another form of slavery, this time to the island, via Jacob touching. This show is mad deep, yo.

now point to where Jacob touched you

But boy did does this show lay it on thick sometimes. Lecturing about Napoleon's exile and quest for power, ON AN ISLAND? Subtle. Locke encouraging Ben to act out and make a play for principal? Ben's infirm dad wondering what would have happened if they had just stuck it out with the old Dharma Initiative? There are levels here people. This thing is mildly similar and comparable to that thing! ESOTERIC.

Lingering questions:
What was the deal with that shovel Linus was using to dig his own grave? Could it be more ineffective?
Will I ever delve into whole the "fate v. free will" theme after it got spiked from this post?
How did Ana Lucia Ilana separate the Jacob-derived ash from the other ash in the firepit? A strainer of some sort?
Where the fuck is Sawyer?


Sean said...

Alex wasnt Ben's genetic child even on the island, he stole her from Rosseau. Her dad was one of those other frenchies who Rosseau later shot in the face because he was smoke crazy. My geekery knows no limits.

I do enjoy the layers. Like how the principal was also a stand-in for Widmore, since Ben took over power from him on the island via trickery and blackmail. So you knew he would make an appearance before the end of the episode. And then BAM! He's on a totally unrealistic looking submarine. With an evil periscope! My question is, didnt Jack do that whole act with the dynamite so that Richard would give him some answers? Because I seem to recall no answers being given and them just showing up on the beach later. Also, why does Richard wear eyeliner?

Anonymous said...
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grant said...

richard wears eyeliner because he aspires to take the hobbit's place in DRIVESHAFT (most metal name ever!). sex, drugs and rock n' roll are where it's at. heroin is good for least it was for the hobbit because he was unwatchable unless he was strung out.

"you all, everybody..."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

removing posts! My god that's hot, goats. Please spare me. Please! Does the begging do it for you?

Anywho. Just finally watched the episode on (choppy commercials!). Did I do so just so that, afterward, I could read your write-up? I think yes. You're blowing that poor gossip queen Lisanti out of the water. His formalism is means of cover; as with postmodernists, subject cannot be ameliorated via the heartless, manifold involute that is questioning and answering. Also, this is Baltimore, the Gods cannot save you?

Now I'm confused. More Lost posts!

And only a post-post-modernist would erase this post. Which would be a serious step, Goats. Say what you want about the Hipsterdom I've accused you of, but at least it's an ethos.

thope said...

Here's an excerpt of what was removed, for your pleasure:
good afternoon friends. I'm actually into shoes and I have been searching for the sake of that exact make. The prices for the boots were approximately 250 pounds on every site. But finally I set this site selling them for the benefit of half price.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that the cost of shoes has much to do with anything, and is the work of a spammer. Or does it?