Friday, April 03, 2009

The good kind

Innappropriate? Sure. Let's see what else this Friday, a filler of sorts.

Goat meat: It's what's for dinner.

Here's a case of life imitating art:
Skinner: Well, I was wrong. The ants are a godsend.
Lisa: But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by ants?
Skinner: No problem. We simply release wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the ants.
Lisa: But aren't the snakes even worse?
Skinner: Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.
Lisa: But then we're stuck with gorillas!
Skinner: No, that's the beautiful part. When winter rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.

How about this thing: Kid's internet toy, or crazy acid experience? You be the judge.

I highly recommend checking out the Norm McDonald monologue from the ESPY's back in 1998, which was posted Deadspin yesterday. Ho ho, Anthony Mason is a statutory rapist.

Don't mess with teenage mutant ninja turtle fans who are interns at The Onion, cause if you do, they will send you harshly worded letters.

That's it for now, maybe I'll add some more stuff this afternoon, but I doubt it.

And then the robots became self aware, signifying the beginning of the end for humanity. First baker's yeast, then the Matrix or Skynet. It's science.

This is how to protest. Sort of.