Monday, December 17, 2007

Sanctimonious crap

You've all seen the videos where some jerk takes a picture of themself everyday for some length of time. Those people are losers. Not like me, I have a blog.


E-roc said...

Video unavailable!! Bastards!! Was that the time lapse of Homer from the new Christmas episode? If so, was that a Muse song that was playing?

thope said...

It was, but it wasn't Muse -- it was the same song as in the original picture everyday video, some random composer or some such.

E-roc said...

Ahh I see, after further dorketry... I believe the song is called "Everyday" by Carly Commando. My dumb friend tried to spontaneously claim it was Muse during The Simpsons... by chord structure alone. Keep reaching for that rainbow, music snob.

E-roc said...

Hmmm... to her credit, we were really high. Naturally, I forgot that little detail.