Monday, June 14, 2010

Just bought a vuvuzela

These instructions are included, I believe

The "big talking point" so far in World Cup internet circles is the vuvuzela. It is a plastic horn that is a traditional fan accessory in African soccer, and thousands of them played simultaneously in a stadium sounds like millions of bees*, to those watching on television.

Now internet people are all like "How dare this international tournament be sullied by local traditions" and "The vuvuzela is ear rape." Statements like these piss me right the fuck off. Like, how condescending can you possibly be, wankers of the developed world? However can one enjoy the games when subjected to that infernal buzzing sound? Better a slight buzzing than monkey chants and xenophobia, RIGHT EUROPE?

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am firmly in support of the blowing of vuvuzelas. So much so that I just ordered one off some soccer website. Off course now its saying they are out of stock. Damn you global demand curves! Hopefully they will get more soon, because I'm really excited about refuting anti-vuvuzela arguments via blaring vuvuzela.

*They're defending themselves somehow!


Sean said...

Low scoring! And TIES! TIES! TIES! TIES! TIES!

Anonymous said...

What are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? The the dogs that, when they bark, shoot bees from their mouths?