Thursday, January 07, 2010

Full-scale excitement

God what a terrible time of year this is, with its darkness and cold. The first week in January is a bad time for a season affective disorder to get rolling. There's several more months of this! Which is daunting. Is is bad when you have three pairs of long-underwear, and that's not nearly enough? On the other hand it could be worse, i.e. living in Iowa, with its impassible highways. But riding bikes in the snow is fun. Cars are scared of you! At least that's my impression.

That's it, look on the bright side. Imagine positivity. Like that guy up top, who is so fucking thrilled to have an enormous superhero pig placed in his yard. Serious happiness, only half of which is mugging for the camera (This is a guess). The reality of a 2000 pound animal eyesore has yet to set into his mind. It will likely be a major expense to move. Although maybe giant pigs are how he gets his rocks off. It certainly looks that way.

Oh yeah, by the way, I made a twitter for some reason the other day. So, you know, follow that or whatever. I may even "tweet" something at some time in the future. To use the parlance of our times.


Anonymous said...

Impassable is right! I don't know how Denis Johnson is going to return and resurrect us if those fucks in city hall can't even allot enough salt to get through the winter.

On the bright side, suck it, Georgia Tech.