Monday, March 12, 2007

Everywhere: exploitation. Where's the rock?

"God is dead, and no one cares. If there is a hell, I'll see you there."

So I was watching "Live from Baghdad" the other day. I think its a quality flick, mainly its insider journalistic shit. And something about the biggest rainforest ever and defacing the graveyard. That's deep.
It's Probably the best Michael Keaton performance outside of Batman. He's no George Clooney but it's still all true as far as I'm concerned. Peter Arnett is dead!

And here for your possible enjoyment is the five best X Files episodes ever as determined by me when I watched the entire series stoned senior year and then tried to remember.

5. Dreamland (2 parts) - This is the one where Mulder and the dude from Area 51 switch bodies. Probably wrong but I am too lazy to come up with something else.

4. Home - Fucked up inbred family. This episode was banned from reruns because it is disturbing as all hell. SPOILER ALERT! The mom has no arms or legs.

3. Bad Blood - Scully and Mulder recount a case of the mistaken vampire to hilarious effect. Oh Scully and Mulder, you are so different, yet so the same. Also they really were vampires.
Gypsy Vampires.

2. Jose Chung's from Outer Space - I still have no idea what the hell happens in this episode, but the mere appearance of Alex Trebek AND Jesse Ventura, teamed up no less, warrants its inclusion on this list.

1. Humbug - The intrepid agents respond to a mysterious call ... at the freak show. Needless to say, the late character actor Vincent Schiavelli (seen below) is a man whose little mutant conjoined twin lives inside his stomach when it isn't running around the circus area killing midgets. That. Just. Happened.


Anonymous said...

that episode home isnt banned from reruns because i have seen it. it is quite fucked up though. they had sex with their quadripligic mother that they also kept her hidden under the bed.