Friday, December 11, 2009

Or some shit

Quick links from a week ago, with affectations:

Oh Taibbi, you had me when you compared Goldman Sachs to a vampire squid, and now this Obama Selling Out piece. I like that this actual journalism sort of backs up gut-reactions I made nearly a year ago: "So this means that we will avoid a new great depression by miring ourselves in endless class warfare."

Also might I suggest reading that article while listening to this girl who does piano covers of metal songs, i.e. Toxicity. Impressive that she does all the arrangements herself.

Back to politics and economics: Here is an International Workers of the World interview with Noam Chomsky (or as I like to call him "The Chomster") that includes all the commie-style back-slapping you would expect and enjoy. But there is an interesting point at the end about how the left should not be ridiculing the idiot right (last answer).

And finally, here's a thought-provoking piece on Iverson and public image, with passages like this:

It is sad example of how our perceptions are shaped not only by what we see, but also by conceptual frameworks that we draw upon as short hand to “make sense” of the world, as described by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in their classic book Metaphors We Live By. The problem is that to the extent that we draw upon pre-existing metaphors to make sense of people, we strip them of the agency to represent themselves as human; while these metaphors frame expectations for behavior, they also irrationally justify us assuming that our perceptions are universal common sense and those who don’t fit can be demeaned, dismissed, mocked, or vilified.

Indeed, the classic "Metaphors We Live By." Who could forget that one?


Anonymous said...

I could take me over some factories, man.

Also, you should check out Stephanie Vaughn's "Sweet Talk," a book of short stories that includes the New Yorker pieces "Dog Heaven" and "Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog." Vicarious moments and what have you. Let us just say that many Bothans died so that you could read American shot fiction, Goats, etc...

Northwestern basketball?

Unknown said...

Boy Matt Taibi sure hates Goldman Sachs. Does he write about anything else? I get it already, they control the government, robbed our tax money, blah blah blah. Doesnt he know we only care about sports and celebrity gossip?