Monday, August 02, 2010

Linky linky

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Probably should have put this up on Friday, so you could have clicky clickied while we Phillies fans descended on Nationals Park in Washington D.C. like a plague of locusts. Or maybe a cloud of some smaller flying insect, that is less plague-like and all-consuming and more annoying. Like gnats. OH YEAH I WENT THERE BOTH LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY.

In case you are wondering where the hell the Mad Men Power Rankings are these days: This place. Reverse fingerbang alert! Lisanti is a hero.

Speaking of other things that are also on that particular web site: The Jersey Shore v. Kanye West's Twitter, which is better/more authentically enjoyable. My vote is for the twitter, because of the persian rugs. Also: Goblets. Is this serious?

James Franco may or may not be fucking with you. He made a short film called "Dicknose in Paris." It's exactly what you think.

In wildly depressing economic blog posts, this guy says call the current situation "a compressive deflationary contraction, because that's exactly what it is, an accelerating systemic collapse of activity due to over-investments in hyper-complexity."

This is another link I got off Harper's, that is interesting even if it's not exactly clear what the author saying, if anything.

I'm running out of steam. Come back later for an exciting list of the top ten mosh pits of all time.