Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This thing is as good a reason as any to download Google Chrome, I would say after being convinced to watch/do it the after the at least fourth time I went to the site via various internet links. It's an "interactive movie" involving the third best song on the new Arcade Fire record and whatever address you put in "of the home where you grew up" assuming there is enough google maps data on that particular address. Mine didn't so I was going to put in the NUKE address but I couldn't remember it and a cursory search was disrupted when I found this quote below and decided it needed to be posted. Anyway, yeah, cool thingy.

Kappa Sigmas at Davidson College (Davidson, NC) also lost their charter during the spring. New Members beat a goose to death with golf clubs in a public park -- after luring it to them with bread crumbs.


Anonymous said...

Get gin? What was Mike's Hard Lemonade to long to write? Didn't that use to be your drink of choice?

Getting excited about this draft on Saturday.


Anonymous said...

So excited that you will get horribly drunk and not do it?

Anonymous said...

Possibly - I like to keep myself guessing.
