Friday, March 13, 2009

Society's blood

Picture via here

Here's a few things for your perusal. Sorry for less this week, but constant harassment by Rita's PR flacks has cut my productivity. Why yes, our readers would like to participate in mystery water ice FREE-ver promotion! It's like a disease, but better!

Should I have put something up about Watchmen? Nah, except to say read the book first and its enjoyable. There was way too much written out there already. Oversaturation, if you will. Still, the people complaining about this, that and the other were a bit obnoxious. Good thing the voice of reason comes from ... Patton Oswalt's MySpace page?

This is some crazy shit about some sort of dirty bomb inauguration plot. Too bad its from a source(wikileaks) only slightly more credible than Alex Jones, 9/11-truthers and the like. Although the passive aggressive nature of the section titled "Why hasn't the story been picked up by the national press?" pleases me. Uh, guys? Your paranoia is showing. WAKE UP SHEEPLE.

Via Vishnu's facebook feed (where else?), we have this thing about something called WeedMaps, a google maps derivative that aims to be a Yelp for the chronic. Ah decriminalization, I'm twittering in anticipation, and not electronically. The new drug czar is Michael Douglas from Traffic!

Speaking of twitter. So queer, I don't care if Shaq does it. No one cares what you ate for breakfast. Shit I have enough trouble keeping this thing relatively current without that level of over-sharing. I enjoyed this vicious takedown that contains more than 140 characters.

That's it. Not sure what future there is here. Reading things like this makes me feel terribly inadaquate in bloggerocity (Warning: Contains Soccer). I blame lack of focus. Wow, a blue car!