Saturday, January 06, 2007

Halloween in Madison

This post has been a long time coming.

Two out of the three riots I've been in where in the same place on the same day of the year. When thousands of Badger students, along with students from all over the upper midwest gather in the land of cheese and beer it tends to get a little crazy.

First time:

I drove up with a bunch of NU peeps + Jenny. Not sure exactly what happened. A few memories remain:

Heuch, aka my nemesis, getting hit on by presumably gay dudes because he was rocking the sailor costume. I really wish I had that pic of him with the big black dude in a tutu.
Jenny (drunkenly) driving us back to Evanston in Joe's car (with Joe and Paulie passed out in the back). A two and a half hour drive. Good old Dodge Avenger. For american 90s era beater cars, the Avenger is only surpassed by the Ford Taurus.

My costume consisted only of glue-on fangs, a black hoodie and fake blood. Sketchy at best, especially cause I kept scaring the shit out of random people. Also, thats where the fake blood came from.

Second time:

This time I was living in Madison, so I got the full weekend experience.

The first night we got drunk sans costumes, I forget where.

I think we ended it at city bar, Melville and I, and we were walking back up State St. talking shit to anyone who would listen. Mostly each other.

Some chick in a bumblebee costume walked past, and Bob proceeded to heckle the shit out of her. I believe the gist was "YOU ARE A FAT BEE!"

So this leads to her accompanying dudes getting in Bob's face, and eventually tackling him. The one guy has him pinned to the ground. All I see is this random guys back, so I hit him repeatedly in the kidneys. That guy pissed blood the next day. We fled back to our house, fortunate to avoid arrest by the plethora of Police who were out, presumably to prevent events such as this.

The next night we all went out.


Me/Sketchy Lil' Jon, and later after I met up with Adams, some sort of ridiculous gangsta
Bob/Agent Smith from the Matrix, not from Men in Black
Warden* and Maker/ the Bow(?) brothers, aka some crazy-ass fuckers they know who may have mullets
Pietro/Drunk Italian with a mustache?
Snight/something lame I'm sure (may or may not be a real person)
later we met up with John Adams/Lil' Jon

there were probably others there, but I forget

We went to some apartment party and took control of the keg, administering keg stands at leisure. After we got thrown out of there, and Bob tossed a beer on one of the hosts as the elevator door closed, we hit up State St.

This is all a blur, but I do remember Warden slapping ass and drunken video hijinks. I wish I had that video. I think Warden was interviewing random people on State street. Impersonating some sort of video producer kicks ass.

Yeah -- so neither time was I actually in the riot, but thats just cause I was smart enough not to get tear gassed.
