Friday, May 21, 2010

What? Why? Shut up.

"Grizzly Bear and Panda Bear seem to be actually competing against real bears for google hits"

-This sentence is why I probably shouldn't read hipster runoff. The whole site is satirical (I think), but is a "subculture" that consists entirely of post-ironic apathy and high-tech digital devices worth lampooning? Still -- that site's prodigious use of the word "bro" reminds one of this other thing I just heard of the other day that's also a mixing of nausea and intrigue. Bros Icing Bros. WHY DOES THIS EXIST? OUR GENERATION IS BANKRUPT.


Anonymous said...

et cetera, et cetera.

At least we can watch them sweat in the summertime. Fucking death of western civilization, those hipsters.

Sean said...

Post-ironic? Really? These "post" prefixes are starting to get to me. Seems kind of pretentious. Or maybe post-pretentious? Like when you know you are being pretentious but you do it anyway out of a sense of irony. Or maybe post-irony?! Oh shit, I just blew your mind.

thope said...

Yeah, post means it means after. Like Gen X was all about the irony. And now its after that, chronologically. A lazy literary device and not that hard to understand.

Speaking of which:
"After a few tentative attempts at posting on Facebook, I retreated into horrified silence. I couldn’t do the lingo. Then I decided not to try to do the lingo. It’s kind of like advertising for yourself, if your self was a plastic novelty toy: lots of cute photos and “hurray for everything” patter. I can only stand to look at it once a week. But I can’t seem to cut ties, no matter how obviously I should. I mean, many friends are on there, posting like mad, poor sods! Plus there’s a terrible fascination about Facebook: it’s so godawful, but so generally embraced. It made me start to believe there really is such a thing as “postmodernity,” and that most people have cheerfully given up the idea of having an authentic self. Happy artificial constructs! Meanwhile I’m a leftover modern type, still hanging back in the era of alienation, clinging to my likes and dislikes, occasionally fretting about the death of God."

Sean said...

Perhaps I can direct your attention to number 2, sir. I hear this website also defines Pittsburgh Family Plan, so you know it doesnt lie.

thope said...

And may I refer you to the title of this very post.

Sean said...

I hate you so much right now. I post-hate you.

Anonymous said...

But what does the goats think of the Lost finale?! Do tell, you inhuman bastard.

thope said...

To tide you over.